I'd like to wish both G.E.M. and Renee Lee the best of the best during their first year as an adult! G.E.M. celebrated her birthday today, August 16, while Renee had hers a month ago, on July 27. Both are really pretty, and have an amazing voice, that will bring them much success in the future. Although, many people will say that G.E.M. has a better voice than Renee, and I might agree, I pretty much prefer Renee's voice over G.E.M.'s. One reason I feel that, might be because, I've been a fan of Renee longer, ever since her Cream days. She was adorable, and with her big eyes and sweet voice, I felt like she really enjoyed the singing, instead of wanting to show off her skills. After her new EP, I felt like she has truly matured! Along with G.E.M., they are both one of the youngest, or maybe the youngest singers in Hong Kong. Both of them are truly amazing, and have talent and even more potential within them that is yet to be discovered.
Enjoy Renee's new song, 友情客串, while I get my Angelababy pictures ready for tomorrow's post. Good night everyoneeeee!
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