Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thank you.

Hey guys!
Well, I've been trying very hard to hide my sadness for the past week, and my mom thinks it's for a stupid reason.
The reason that I'm sad is
I failed a class.
No, not a class.
Two classes.
I've always been told that once you enter high school, your grades start to drop. But, I never believed it. Not even when the smartest of my friends entered high school and had their grades start dropping. I never believed it would happen to me. You know why? Because I have always been a great student since I began school. I never failed, was never even close to failing and all of a sudden I get attacked with two failures. I felt like a failure. I didn't want to believe it. I cried. I thought about it. I got sick from it and etc. I told my mom, and she said, "Why are you gonna keep thinking about it? Just throw it back, look ahead, and live your life happily. There's nothing you can do about it now." I truly took a full minute to look at her. I thought, 'Is she seriously my mom?' She was the one who always gave ME the pressure to do well, be the best because she believes I can be the best. She would scream over an 85. But, now she's so calm, I thought she was just saying it to make me feel better. But, it turns out, she really meant those words. Which made me feel even WORSE inside. I couldn't drop the fact that I failed at all. I kept thinking about it, and I couldn't even think straight or even smile sincerely.

Today, I was looking through MetalAznWarrior's blog, TVB Musings. I read one of his entries from awhile ago, and he wrote about him failing a major exam as well. While I was reading it, I thought, 'I can't do anything about the failing grades, but I can do something to change the future. Like MetalAznWarrior says, "Once you hit the rock bottom, the only way to go is back up." And that's exactly what I'm aiming to do. I'm going to go back up to where I used to be. No. I'm gonna climb even higher.' He truly allowed me to see that everything in this world is NOT guaranteed. It's effort that brings us success. Thank you, MetalAznWarrior, reading his blog entries, not only inspired me to climb back up to the top, but to climb even higher than I was originally.

"Sometimes falling is necessary. After a fall, you hit rock bottom; it hurts and makes you wake up from your dream and realize....
...And then, the only way to go... is back up."

Thank you so much. :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I'm a Bad Blogger.

We all know that.
I'm sure you all do.

I'm also well known to be blind and deaf too.
When people wave or say hi to me, I often just don't hear or see it.
Which makes people think I'm mean and ignorant.
But, seriously.
I don't see it. >:O

To get my attention.
All you have to do is,
Or whack me on the back!
It's just that simple.

Friday, November 6, 2009

My Hectic Schedule

I so don't want my weekend to be over. I have such a busy, hectic schedule next week, beginning Monday. I just can't even IMAGINE what it's gonna be like. I'm going to start 5th period everyday next week, because I am not wasting any of my sleeping time. Studying will probably last until midnight each night, and I will probably not do so well anyway. I just finished like more than a week's full of Science homework, because of my teacher being absent for more than a week. We've got to catch up, so he threw us a handful of work for the weekend. Then, as usual, my health teacher always gives a lot of homework on weekends. Let me share with you my schedule for next week:

Monday: Science Quiz
Tuesday: All Science homework due, which is like a week's full of homework.
Wednesday: No School, but gotta celebrate friend's birthday.
Thursday: Science Quiz AGAIN, Health Test
Friday: Science Project Due

Not to include all the daily homework given from my other classes, and the unannounced quizzes or exams or even worse projects. I am so gonna lose my mind this week.

That's why, I need this song to accompany me on my crazy journey.