I've realized many people, not only in Hong Kong, but in other places as well, people are really ignorant, rude, self absorbed, and don't care about anything other than themselves. For example, one time, I was walking home, there were these girls, just standing there, talking so loud, as if it was there own house. If they were only talking, it could have been acceptable, and maybe I would have forgotten about it, but, NO. They were smoking, and they dressed like a whore. They're skirts were like only two inches long! (Well, longer than that, but you know what I mean.) They were wearing tube tops, and damn, their breasts were the size of my freakin' head!
Still, if that was it, I'd forget too. But, hence the fact they were talking so loud, I thought they were using a mic. Their convo, was what made me remember them. They were talking about their teen years, and how they freakin' messed up their life with partying & clubbing. Then they began talking about making out and losing their virginities when they were 15 or something. Like damn. TALK ABOUT THAT IN YOUR HOUSE. I had no idea, and I don't want to know why they were talking about that in the middle of the street. I just kept walking, but I honestly heard their convo four blocks away.
Most 15 year olds, I know, pretty much, just go shopping, eating, movies & all the fun stuff kids do. None of them go clubbing or partying. Like seriously? Those girls were f**ked up. Especially since they were freakin' screaming they're whole life to the world. But, who cares about them, just ignorant, rude, and NOT SO innocent young Hong Kong girls. Maybe they fall under the category of "港女".
Here's some pictures of my favorite TVB actress, instead of Angelababy for a change. Haha, I decided it would be nice to show some other people, instead of Baby all the time, even though, we ALL love her.
I'm proud to present, my favorite TVB actress, FALA CHEN. :D